Written by: Daniel Nunes; Giovani Lacerda; Sabrina Santos and Vanessa Paiva
The UFMG has a tradition in building and designing aircraft. The first was the glider CB-1 Seagull training, in the 60s, followed by the CB-2 glider Minuano, which was more advanced, and the powered sailplane CB-7 Vesper. Then came the ultralight high-CB-9 Curumim performance that is still used in testing classes in flight.
In the doctoral research, the CB-10 Triathlon were created, the CB-12 Curumim II, the CEA 308, which officially hit four world records for speed and aerobatic aircraft CEA-309 Mehari.
The aircraft was named shortfin mako, inspired by a kind of aggressive, fast-moving shark. It was being developed since 2011 and completely designed on the computer. The structure is the first in Brazil with primary structure made entirely from carbon fiber. Because of this, it is lightweight, rigid and resistant.
Built and designed by students of master's and undergraduate UFMG, supervised by Paul Iscold, the shortfin mako made its first flight at the end of last year, and has now been pushed to the limit. The result? Five world records beaten:
Speed route 3 km with restricted elevation: 521.08 km / h
Previous record: 466.83 km / h
Speed route of 15 km: 511.19 km / h
Previous record: 455.8 km / h
Speed closed 100km route: 490.14 km / h
Previous record: 389.6 km / h
Speed closed 500 km course: 493.74 km / h
Previous record: 387.4 km / h
Time to reach 3,000 m above sea level: 2 minutes and 26/2
Previous record: three minutes and eight seconds
Video: https://vimeo.com/112598730
In addiction all the university, more specifically the engineering school, uses the tecnology not just for competitions but for social projects too. An exemple of this is the “Expoengenharia” a fair with many social initiatives. One of the most significant initiatives of this is the Equalize Project, where voluntary classes for pre-university exam are given for low-income students in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. Another project is Paramec that is dedicated to designing wheelchairs , appliances and other low -cost solutions for disabled people .
As Paramec, the Solidarity Engineering is a committee that develops charitable actions. The members make visits to care centers and events as "The Street Store" and a solidary scavenger hunt. The first consists of a store in the open where clothes, accessories and shoes are offered for free to homeless people. In the second case, the freshman of class collect food and hygiene items for donation.
The project “Sistemas Elétricos Experimentais” (Selex) is an extension of the initiative of Systems Engineering. Result of a partnership between the School of Engineering and the Court of Minas Gerais, the Selex offers to young lawbreakers cultural workshops, computing and manufacture of electronic products.
This very interesting article because it presents as UFMG uses technological advances in their research projects that go beyond the competitions developed planes and arrive at the social part.
ReplyDeleteJuliana Kelly Rodrigues Batista 201A SS11:10
This very interesting article because it presents as UFMG uses technological advances in their research projects that go beyond the competitions developed planes and arrive at the social part.
ReplyDeleteJuliana Kelly Rodrigues Batista 201A SS11:10
Ricardo de Azevedo junior 204 segunda sexta
ReplyDeleteThe article is amazing because the ufmg be participate no development the new aircrafts and this provides new technologies and maybe make the aircrafts more fasted