Monday, October 5, 2015

Coltec's Astronomy Group

When you look to the sky what do you feel? Big? Small? Both? In the last months some students of Coltec started an idea that got big proportions: A group focused in the study of astronomy and related phenomena. Moreover, we asked one of the creators of the group some questions like: "Why the idea?", "The biggest challenge yet" etc, and here's what he said:

"Coltec's Astronomy Club was created during a conversation between me (Lucas), Raul and Bruna. Raul has had an idea about creating different groups in Coltec, and one of his ideas was the Astronomy Club. We had just an idea in mind, so we had a conference on Skype and decided the mechanics of the group. 
When we first advertised it, dozens of students got interested, and we decided to take it seriously. The first challenge was to find a professor to help us. We've found out that Villani studied Astronomy on college, and he proposed to help us. Our most recently challenge was to fix Coltec's telescope. Fortunately, we managed to get the contact info of the man who had built it, and now he is helping us too. Challenges keep coming, but the hardest part was to give the project an inicial impetus."

As we know the search of knowledge is endless because of that our duty as "New World" makers is to search oportunities to build a brighter future to next generations.


  1. Gabriel Ramerson - 205 Segunda e Sexta

    The Coltec astronomy group is very interesting because it explores phenomena in space that do not idea what it is ! Congratulations to the creators.

  2. The astronomy group created in Coltec was a great evolution, because from the start several students supported the idea and said they would participate. Although, the proposal is very good, much discouraged because of the time. However, it is still a great project.
    Lívia Martins- 205A- 2SS-11:10/12:00.

  3. The idea of the project is wonderful because it shows the opportunities that Coltec can offer its students to increase their knowledge.

    Juliana Kelly Rodrigues Batista 201A- 2SS-11:10

  4. The idea of the project is wonderful because it shows the opportunities that Coltec can offer its students to increase their knowledge.

    Juliana Kelly Rodrigues Batista 201A- 2SS-11:10

  5. Ricardo de Azevedo junior - 204 Segunda e Sexta 11:10
    i think this idea is good and very beautiful because the universe is more bigger and Hides much things very interest,curious and incredibly.

  6. In my opinion the creation of this group it was a great idea and will make the experience of the students who participates of this project more constructive and interesting at COLTEC.

  7. In my opinion the creation of this group it was a great idea and will make the experience of the students who participates of this project more constructive and interesting at COLTEC.
    Lucas Brandao turma 204 segunda e sexta
